Your Child's Brain Health Is Everything! 

You need a credible, qualified, coherent voice to guide you. Don't live it to guesswork.




Your Child's Brain Health Is Everything! 

You need a credible, qualified, coherent voice to guide you. Please don't leave it to guesswork.


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The two windows of opportunity you must take advantage of are before the age of 9, when the grey matter completely develops, and at 19, when the white matter completely develops. Brain optimisation using nutrition can support your child with Autism or ADHD to live a happy, healthy life. 





I am Natsayi Dunira . A Holistic Registered Naturopathic Nutritionist with a special interest in Brain Nutrition. I have extensive experience supporting children that have Autism and ADHD. Using safe holistic naturopathic and nutritional protocols.

I studied Naturopathic Nutrition, Advanced Music therapy, Gut and Psychology Syndrome, Sensory Enrichment Therapy, Ketogenic Therapies, Naturopathic studies, and Safe & Sound Protocol, all aimed at optimising brain function for children with Autism and ADHD.

My mission is to maximise potential and change outcomes one child at a time.



I am Natsayi Dunira . A Holistic Registered Naturopathic Nutritionist with a special interest  in Brain Nutrition, specializing in supporting autistic children. I am dedicated to providing compassionate and personalized care to help your child thrive. My approach combines the principles of naturopathy with nutritional science to create tailored wellness plans that support your child's unique needs. I believe in the power of natural, holistic methods to improve health and well-being. I am committed to empowering families with the knowledge and tools they need to support their children's development. I aim to optimize your child's nutrition and overall health by using food as medicine, supplements, and lifestyle modifications, helping them reach their full potential."



Why Work With Us?

 I am sure you have heard of the saying, " let food be thy medicine."

We use the very best nutritional science to offer the most comprehensive level of support to optimise Brain function for those with Autism and ADHD.

Our therapeutic plans are individualized and are aimed at enhancing the body's natural healing power.




Optimise Brain Health


The naturopathic nutritional approach to Autism, provides optimum results as it combines the power of nutrition and neuroplasticity.

The results can be life-changing for many children.




We do not diagnose or treat disease.

Our holistic approach aims to support you in making life-changing decisions and taking inspired action to adapt to personalised nutritional and lifestyle changes that promote health. 

Your child deserves to feel healthy, happy, and alive! Let us show you how.


Your Child's Brain Health Is Everything! 


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The top-rated Autism program aimed to equip and empower you to optimise your child's brain function. 

 We will give you the tools and road map to help you,
  • Reduce or eliminate problem behaviours
  • Improve your child’s emotional awareness and regulation
  • Improve your child's relationship with food, reducing the tendency to be picky eaters.
  • Improve your child’s social interactions skills
  • Improve your child’s communication skills
  • Reduce or eliminate food allergies 
  • Reduce or eliminate sensory issues 
  • Improve gut function and promote elimination


The top-rated Autism and ADHD  workshops are aimed to equip and empower you to optimise your child's brain function. 

 We will give you the tools and road map to help you,
  • Reduce or eliminate problem behaviours
  • Improve your child’s emotional awareness and regulation
  • Improve your child's relationship with food, reducing the tendency to be picky eaters.
  • Improve your child’s social interactions skills
  • Improve your child’s communication skills
  • Reduce or eliminate food allergies 
  • Reduce or eliminate sensory issues 
  • Improve gut function and promote elimination

Accts Weekly YouTube 


This is a weekly educational podcast on how to optimise Brain Health. Each week we will bring you information and tips that will help you maximise your potential and change your outcome.


Explore Our Best-Selling Programs

Learn the naturopathic approach to optimising your child's brain function, to maximise the potential and rewrite their story 

The naturopathic approach to ADHD

ADHD You will learn the strategies that will help you support your child. Parents of kids with ADHD can experience deep relief, self-acceptance and peace knowing their child thrive.



The naturopathic approach to  HYPERACTIVITY

Are you struggling to find the right help for your hyperactive child? Learn the strategies that will help heal your child and maximise their potential. Our holistic approach to care will rejuvenate both you and your child.                                                                                         


The naturopathic approach to  Autism

You will learn the strategies that will help you support your child. Parents of kids with Autism can experience deep relief, self-acceptance and peace knowing their child thrive.


The naturopathic approach to treating  CONSTIPATION

You might be thinking to yourself, "I cannot imagine my child being constipated". This is an old concept and with the right tools, you can help your child to heal their gut.               


What People Have To Say

Clients are glad they worked with me to help them heal their Autistic Child and improve there parenting skill.

We have worked with Natsayi since 2019; when it was rough, my son was very aggressive, and as he grew older, it was difficult to follow any protocol with him. Natsayi was kind and empathetic; sometimes, I would panic out of exhaustion, and she would repeat the instructions until I understood what I needed to do. We found alternative treatments that helped relax my son—his favourite was the Epsom foot baths. Sleep got better, and aggression disappeared. I cannot recommend her enough.                                              


We have seen many practitioners over the years for my son, and when we finally consulted with Natsayi, it all made sense why we had not seen gains before, as not many emphasized the diet. She reviewed all lab results, and we agreed on a plan for him. Within three months, we saw some amazing gains; one that stood out was constipation disappeared as this was his biggest issue. My son is doing well and is now in a school where he Is thriving. We remain on the diet and a few supplements to support him.                                                              

SW- Canada

My son was 5 when we first saw Natsayi, we really did not know what autism was and what was the reason my son was making the noises he was making. We implemented the diet which was very difficult for us. But Natsayi encouraged us to do stay on the diet as a family. We are so happy that we did, our whole family is doing well. My son has started talking. Because of our limited finances we cannot do much but what we are doing is giving us good results, he is sleeping well, plays with other children and he is no longer constipated.

JS- South Africa

Accts Weekly YouTube PODCAST

This is a weekly educational podcast on how to understand your Autistic Child and make the best parenting choices. Each week we will bring you information and tips that will help parents be better parents for their children.



Our mission is to maximise potential and change outcomes one child at a time.

Get in touch!



[email protected] 

Who can we help? 

Autism complementary treatments and services aim to support children that have a diagnosis of Autism and have complex needs resulting in distressing symptoms like aggression, hyperactivity, picky eaters, self-injury, anxiety, sensory issues, food sensitivity and many more.  

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